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On June 2nd and 3rd, 2023, the XI International Meeting of Learning Communities (#XICdAAsturias2023) will be held at the Principe Felipe Auditorium in Oviedo, at the Faculty of Teacher Training (south building) and in different places in the city.



  • On Friday 2nd in the afternoon-evening (from 7:30 p.m.) different Dialogical Gatherings will be held simultaneously in different areas of the city.


  • On Saturday the 3rd, the great day of the XI Meeting will take place in the Auditorium and in the Teacher Training’s Faculty with talks by high-impact researchers and workshops with the Learning Community schools as protagonists.



Come to Oviedo on June 2 and 3!

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Captura de pantalla 2023-04-29 a las 21.27.49.png

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